Local August 10, 2012 | 1:35 pm

Seven tons of drugs torched today is biggest since last year

SANTO DOMINGO. – The National Drugs Control Agency (DNCD) incinerated around seven tons of various types of drugs Friday, especially cocaine and marijuana.

The DNCD said 5, 211 kilos of cocaine, 472.5 kilos and 449 marijuana plants, 20.5 kilos of heroin, 107 grams of crack and 267 kilos of cocaine were incinerated, in addition to thousands of pills with the characteristics of ecstasy.

DNCD president Rolando Rosado headed the event held in an isolated area of the of 1st Army Brigade headquarters in Pedro Brand township, in the presence of the Presidency’s Advisor on drugs, Marino Vinicio Castillo.

It’s the second biggest drugs incineration by the DNCD since December 22, when around eight tons of different narcotics were set afire.

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