Local August 27, 2012 | 8:08 am

Foreign investments support the government on business climate

Santo Domingo.-The country’s foreign investment companies grouped in Asiex stated their support of all the new Administration’s actions to facilitate a suitable climate for the flow of foreign capital to bolster the national economy.

Asiex president Carlos Emilio González said president Danilo Medina has been emphatic in stating his interest in promoting the creation of jobs, developing technology based strategies, finances and markets to boost the business climate.

In a statement, the business leader said the organization’s members have been very active generating 165,000 direct jobs, as well as contributing with the economy’s growth, on investments totaling more than US$20.0 billion.

"We congratulate President Medina on the start of the Administration and as an institution, we express our willingness to cooperate in all initiatives that raise the quality of the business environment and promote legal security with 25

The organization argued that its membership in the generation of work places has been very active to provide 165 thousand direct jobs, as well as contribute to the growth of the economy, to register investment above $20,000 million.

"We congratulate President Medina on the beginning of the Government and as an institution, we express our willingness to cooperate in all initiatives that raise the quality of the business environment and promote legal security with 25 years of presence in the country," said Gonzalez.

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