Local August 28, 2012 | 12:21 pm

Public Works blames Environment for downed bridges

SANTO DOMINGO. – Public Works minister Gonzalo Castillo on Tuesday blamed the Environment Ministry for the problems he said led the tropical storm’s downpours to toppling the approaches of several bridges.

He said the waters didn’t collapse any bridge and only damaged the approaches, "which have been affected because Environment didn’t issue the permits for Public Works to intervene the rivers and channel them properly."

In that regard, the official said he’ll meet soon with Environment minister Bautista Rojas and the head of the canals and dams agency (INDRHI) to request the assistance necessary and carry out the work.

Quoted by diariolibre.com, Castillo said the river channeling will continue, such as those built in San Cristóbal and San José de Ocoa, where the storm didn’t cause any serious problems.

He said Public Works will restore the flood affected areas shortly and conduct a 12-month plan to design definitive solutions in the areas most affected.

He affirmed that the work carried out in the south region would be ready in one week so the lives of that region’s population can return to normal.

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