Local September 3, 2012 | 3:15 pm

Dominican Government denies IMF pact looms

SANTO DOMINGO. – The Economy Ministry on Monday denied that a delegation of Economic Cabinet officials will travel to Washington, prior to the Dominican Governmen negotiating an agreement t with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

In a statement, the Ministry said the Government analyzes the nation’s economic situation and in due course will announce the date on which a delegation of IMF officials will come to the country.

Local media reported that a Dominican government delegation was to visit Washington August 17, for a first meeting with IMF officials, aimed at signing a Stand By agreement.

The government planned to start discussions with the private sector and civil society on Thursday, to iron out a fiscal pact, as stated in the National Development Strategy, but was postponed at the request of the authorities, to analyze with the IMF’s economic situation and hear its recommendations first.

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