Local September 6, 2012 | 12:46 pm

Deputy convicted of sex with a minor stripped of immunity(Update)

Santo Domingo.- The Chamber of Deputies stripped the parliamentary immunity from the lawmaker Ramon Antonio Fernandez (Papo) , sentenced to one year in prison for abducting a minor and statutory rape.

Fernandez will serve six months of a one year sentence at Najayo prison, and the remaining six on parole.

FILE. The deputy Ramon Antonio Fernandez (Papo), sentenced to one year in prison for abducting a minor and statutory rape, noon Thursday announced he’ll renounce his parliamentary immunity until the process concludes, but didn’t provide documents to support his decision.

The lawmaker denied having been a fugitive, because all the time he’s been going to work in Congress and in Santiago Rodriguez province.

He said he learned of the warrant for his arrest through the media on Monday.

Fernandez said he’s not a rapist, and that his situation stems from attempta to tarnish his image and discredit him, "and have achieved it."

"I’ve never been on the run, and if at the end I have to serve six months in prison I’ll dedicate myself to finish my fourth book."

The lawmaker added that he had placed himself at the disposition of Sentencing judge Saulo I. Diaz, when he was being questioned by the lower Chamber’s Disciplinary Committee.

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