Local September 10, 2012 | 8:47 am

Top official feared a “bloodbath” in May 20 elections

Santo Domingo.- The involvement of active and retired military by some political parties to watch over the election process prior to and after May 20 concerned the Central Electoral Board (JCE) officials to the point they feared a "bloodbath" in the country.

JCE president Roberto Rosario on Sunday admitted they held that fear throughout the elections process.

"I was concernsed with the involvement of active and retired military, under the pretext of ensuring the safety of the polling places and the process, because it exposed the country -if both parties considered themselves the winners- assumed the security of the process and bloodshed may have occurred,” the official said, quoted by diariolibre.com.

“At least in my case I was responsible for the management and I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself, I would’ve felt frustrated," Rosario added.

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