Local September 13, 2012 | 7:16 am

Dominican officials fudge on statements, despite transparency pledge

SANTO DOMINGO.- Despite president Danilo Medina’s pledge to end the rampant lack of transparency in government agencies, the National Treasurer Wednesday revealed that only 15 out of the more than 100 officials have yet to file their financial statements within the deadline.

Alberto Perdomo warned those officials that their salaries will be withheld if they fail to comply, and reminded them that all those designated by decree must file their statements within 30 days of that date or he’ll “freeze” their wages.

He said ministers, deputy ministers, directors, assistant directors, superintendents and mayors, except Foreign Ministry officials must comply with the procedure.

Perdomo, speaking with journalists and opinion leaders to discuss Treasury’s plans, said he’s been receiving affidavits since August 20.

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