Local September 18, 2012 | 7:27 am

Officials file statements on threat of withheld checks

Santo Domingo.- It took the National Treasurer’s warning of whithheld paychecks to get more than half of government officials to file their financial statements and comply within the established deadline.

Alberto Perdomo revealed that 75 ministers, deputy ministers, directors and other officials named by decree had complied with the requirement. "Thus far the officials are complying and are still within the law."

He had previously reported that only 15 of the more than 100 officials required to submit a statement had done so.

He said the Tresury has been receiving statements since August 20, and that the Law requires officials to file within 30 days of being appointed.

"We continue to receive statements and take appropriate action with those who don’t. Our tenure will be based on the issue of transparency and that’s what we’re doing," the official said to eldia.com.do by phone.

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