Local September 28, 2012 | 12:32 pm

Self-pensioned senior official caves to pressure, gives it up

Santo Domingo.- Bowing to mounting pressure, General comptroller Haivanjoe Ng Cortiñas Friday said he’ll desist from collecting his self-awarded pension of RD$651,000 monthly from the Banks Superintendent post he held, after the information unleashed the scandal.

Through a letter dated Friday addressed to current Banks superintendent Rafael Camilo, Ng states the reasons behind his decision.

The letter:

"After a warm greeting I extend this opportunity to express that as humans we face circumstances and opportunities, that one chooses or accepts. That is why this time I decided to resign immediately to the pension granted by the Banks Superintendence covered in the agency’s Pensions Regulation. Sincerely, Haivanjoe Ng Cortinas, Comptroller General of the Republic."

Journalists were initially called to a news conference at the Comptroller. However Ng arrived at the offices, greeted reporters, read the letter and left abruptly.

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