After US$13.0M “cyber scandal,” the Palace, Microsoft start fresh

Santo Domingo. – Presidential Communication and Information Technology Office (OPTIC) director Armando Garcia met with senior executives of Microsoft in his office, to implement technology strategies aimed at bolstering president Danilo Medina’s plans for development.
The meeting comes nearly seven years after the National Palace’s “cyber scandal” stemming from an aborted call for tenders for a US$13.0 million contract involving OPTIC and Microsoft, which sparked the resignation of Gustavo Montalvo, then head of the National Ethics Commission’s (CNE) Technical Unit.
In today’s visit the Microsoft executives said they are willing to cooperate in the various areas of government, to make it more efficient and transparent, stressing the key role played by the OPTIC.
In that regard Garcia said Microsoft can work with the OPTIC’s projects to develop information and communication technology, in the government’s strategic plan.
The official also listed the three key areas during during his tenure: institutional strengthening, transparency and efficiency, which he affirmed are also closely associated with Medina’s plans.