One German dead, 3 police hurt in north coast shootout

Santo Domingo.- One foreigner reportedly a German national died and three police officers injured in a shootout in the coastal province of Puerto Plata (north), during a raid on a house where agents found an arsenal.
The confrontation occurred near La Mulata, of Sosúa township, during a police raid on a house where several foreigners operate an indoor firing range. The wounded agents have not been identified.
The authorities seized an M-16 rifle, bullets, five shotguns, one pistol, an ammunition reloader, and an armored vehicle.
National Police Chief Jose Polanco provided the information, adding that the foreigners form part of a violent group operating in Europe, but didn’t specify its name or country.
According to local media, gunfire was heard constantly in the area where the foreigners live, which drew the attention of the authorities.
INTERPOL agents also participated in the raid which claimed the life of the German identified only as Peter.