American Chamber of Commerce wants port x-ray scan contract nixed

Santo Domingo.- The American Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic (AMCHAMDR) on Thursday asked president Danilo Medina to rescind the contract with the company ICSSI signed during Hipolito Mejia’s Administration, to install and operate X-ray scanning equipment in the country ports, because it "undermines national competitiveness" by creating unnecessary transaction costs.
In an October 15 letter to Presidency chief of staff Gustavo Montalvo, AMCHAMRD cites payments as high as US$95 established by decree in 2002, for ICSSI to scan cargo which enters or leaves the ports.
"Lower transportation and logistics costs should be a national priority, as this increases the competitiveness of Dominican exports, reduce imports cost and serve as an incentive to direct foreign investment companies seeking lower cost for their supply chain to sales in the U.S. market," says the missive signed by AMCHAM DR executive vice president William M. Malamud.
The contract with ICSSI was signed July 18, 2002, by the Armed Forces Ministry representing the Dominican Government, for the operations of the X-ray scanning equipment as a security and control measure for imported or exported containers or vehicles at the ports.