Local November 12, 2012 | 11:18 am

New President discards predecessors’ pomp, wanderlust(Update)

Santo Domingo. – The presidency’s Deputy Press director Rafael Ovalle on Monday denied that president Danilo Medina had suspended his official trip to Spain on Tuesday, as some local media reported.

FILE. Dominican President Danilo Medina on Saturday celebrated his 61st birthday in the privacy of his home and family residence in the upscale sector Los Cacicazgos, but discarded the pomp with which all of his predecessors practices, including the lines which often circled the National Palace with well-wishers, many of whom sought personal favors.

The chief executive, with his announcement Monday morning that he has suspended an official trip to Spain slated for Tuesday, also appears to discard the zeal for travel attributed to his predecessors Hipolito Mejia, and ruling PLD party colleague, Leonel Fernandez.

“Thus far a new date for the tour has yet to be rescheduled,” sources close to the Presidency confirmed, quoted by local media.

The mounting protests against the recently passed Law on Tax Reform are likely the reason beind Medina’s announcement.

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