Local November 30, 2012 | 2:49 pm

Amnesty International proposes a reform of the Dominican police

Santo Domingo.- Amnesty International presented a proposal to reform the National Police to president Danilo Medina on Friday, and among its recommendations figure that all police officers be held accountable for their actions regardless of rank, regulate the use of firearms and the use of force when there’s a life in danger.

The AI delegation was headed by consultant Javier Zuñiga, who said the President was very to the recommendations submitted by the international human rights organization.

Zuñiga said the proposal also establishes responsibilities in both the officer who incurs in "bad practice" as well as their superior.

For AI investigator Skiara Liguori, "you cannot have a case of homicide where only the police agent is convicted, and instead the responsibility of their superiors who ordered it.”

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