Local December 14, 2012 | 4:15 pm

Top prosecutor insists senator Aristy embezzled RD$1.0B

Santo Domingo.- Justice minister Francisco Dominguez on Friday said the case against senator Amable Aristy, former head of the Dominican Municipal League (LMD), is "major embezzlement" against Dominican taxpayers, noting that according to law, the grave accusations also make the lawmaker a flight risk.

"We are talking about embezzling millions in money from the pockets of Dominicans and we can not continue to live under a state of impunity in our country’s justice system," said the country’s top prosecutor

He said the investigation found enough evidence that the La Altagracia (east) province lawmaker is the likely perpetrator or accomplice in corruption, embezzlement and conspiracy against the Dominican State.

Dominguez’s statements come after Supreme Court of justice Alejandro Moscoso, assigned as special magistrate in the case, ruled against sending Aristy to jail to await trial. As a senator the accused has parliamentary immunity.

Dominguez added that Accounts Chamber audits of LMD bank accounts from January to December 31, 2006, and January 1 to December 31, 2009, show that Aristy distributed more than RD$1.0 billion to people close to him and unjustified unlawful expenses.

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