Local December 17, 2012 | 10:12 am

Ex president’s attacks don’t phase opposition leader

Santo Domingo.- The president of Dominican Republic’s biggest opposition party (PRD) on Sunday said he’s focused on the organization’s strengthening, growth and transformation into a winning organization, a mission from which no one and nothing will distract him.

Miguel Vargas, when asked by about ex president Hipolito Mejia’s accusing him of “traitor” on Saturday, said he prefers to focus on tasks to solve the population’s serious problems.

As an example, the political leader said technicians and specialists study ways in which the PRD can assist president Danilo Medina forge an electricity pact as proposed in the elections campaign, and should not include increases.

Vargas said his eyes are on national issues such as adequately using the 4% of GDP for education, and to establish a strong but responsible opposition.

He said for next year he plans to provide IDs for the party’s rank-and-file, create a new voter register and the modernize the organization’s structure and functions. "As you can see the PRD has very important tasks right now, so we cannot get distracted responding to ill wills and fall into discussions which have the PRD and the Dominican people family fed up."

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