Local December 17, 2012 | 3:50 pm

Retired general to spend 3 months in jail for domestic violence

San Pedro, Dominican Republic.- A San Pedro province (east) judge sent retired general Jose Holguin Balaguer to spend three months in prison to await trial, charged with violating a restraining order on domestic violence.

Judge Ramon Martinez’s ruling for prosecutor Digna Consuelo Ortiz motion makes Holguin the first active or retired general in recent history to be incarcerated by the Justice Ministry’s Domestic Violence Unit.

Local media report that the ruling paves the way for a wider investigation into the conflict with retired genera’s ex-wife Maria Elena Acosta Rourke, who had filed complaints against Holguin, for which a bench warrant was issued for contempt of court.

Holguín is also charged with the November 28aggravated assault against one of Ortiz’s employees while the ex-wife was shopping in a local mall.

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