Local December 18, 2012 | 1:36 pm

Justice Minister eyes prosecution of two senators

Santo Domingo.- Justice minister Francisco Dominguez on Tuesday said there’s sufficient evidence to put senator Amable Aristy this behind bars, and the reason why he’s accusing the lawmaker of corruption during his tenure as head of Dominican Municipal League (LMD).

He said he won’t rest until there’s an exemplary court conviction in all corruption cases.

Dominquez said who’s wrong, is wrong and has to assume their responsibility. "If someone is going to get angry, I’m sorry, this is not personal."

Asked if there’s evidence against ruling PLD party colleague and senator Felix Bautista, on alleged corruption, the Justice Minister said tersely “one thing at a time.”

"In each case, if there’re elements I will proceed against whomever. Senator Aristy’s was the first to conclude in an audit, which was first provisional and that’s why it’s the first case."

The official’s statements came after a Christmas mass officiated by Aristides Jimenez Richardson in the Justice Ministry’s auditorium.

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