Local December 19, 2012 | 10:18 am

Deputy supports scrubbing a RD$654M slush fund

Santo Domingo.- The deputy Guadalupe Valdez supports the elimination of the RD$654.0 million slush fund known as the “little barrel” from 2013 Budget, noting that it’s taxpayers’ money earmarked for government actions, not for lawmakers.

The minority party (APD) representative said the work of the deputies and senators is only to "legislate, oversee and represent," for which their functions paid with government funds, such as the "little barrel" violate the Constitution.

Interviewed by Pablo McKinney on CDN, Valdez noted that the 2013 budget submitted by president Danilo Medina is austere, for which she opposes providing money for lawmakers for politicking in the guise of help for people.

The Deputy added that despite that she lives in a neighborhood where there are many people in need, she doesn’t resort to politicking and instead to discuss initiatives for her community to solve its problems. "Legislators can not be selected on the amount of money they give."

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