Local December 26, 2012 | 10:11 am

4% for vocational education

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina promised that his government’s pledge to assign 4% of the GDP to education would not only go towards pre-universityeducation but also to the technical-professional field.

He said that he would be meeting with the authoritiesof the Santo Domingo Autonomous University (UASD) to propose a plan for theirregional branches to serve as technical-professional centers that will ensurethe fulfilment of a curriculum where a technical course would be valid as adegree.

Danilo Medina said that all this would be implementedbecause the country is demanding more qualified personnel to work in companiesand especially in tourism.

“We will also work on providing children’s centers toensure pre-school training for children”, he said. Medina said that as far as the secondary school level was concerned, they would be seeking a way of helpingyoung people from poor families with outstanding grades to get scholarships toensure their continuation into university.

The president was speaking during a televisioninterview on Wednesday morning.

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