Local December 28, 2012 | 8:44 am

Prosecutors caught accepting bribe

SantoDomingo.- Attorney General Francisco Domínguez Brito says that two assistantprosecutors in San Pedro de Macorís are under arrest after being caught accepting a bribe of half a millionpesos.

They werenamed as Solaine Vargas and Pedro García, and both were arrested whileaccepting RD$500,000 from relatives of a defendant.

The moneyreceived by the prosecutors had been marked by the authorities as part of an operationfollowing up on several reports of irregularities.

“This deedis unacceptable and regrettable. If we want to fight corruption at all levels,in no way can we permit anyone to act on the margins of the law within ourinstitution,” said Domínguez Brito, who said that members of the Justice System had to serve as an example.

Coercionmeasures will be announced this afternoon.

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