Local January 29, 2013 | 2:26 pm

VP missed Medina’s airport welcome due to mix-up

SantoDomingo.- Vice President Margarita Cedeño deFernández said last night that she did not go to the San Isidro Airforce Baseairport to welcome President Danilo Medina on his return from Chile due toconfusion about the President’s arrival time.

She said that the President’s office informed her that hewould be arriving in the country at 11:30 at night, when Danilo Medina actuallyreturned at 10:00 p.m. The president had been attending the European Union andCommunity of American States summit meeting in Santiago.

The vice president sent a message via her Twitter accountwelcoming President Danilo Medina to the country and apologizing for not beingat the airport “because his office informed me that he was arriving at 11:30p.m. I am here at the Palace where I will make a formal handover. I was waitingto leave for the airport. You know that this is my work schedule”.

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