Local January 31, 2013 | 10:51 am

Youngsters not alone while he’s President: Medina

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina Thursday congratulated Dominican youngsters to mark National Youth Day and urged them not to give up and give their best every day.

The head of state said he knows the needs of young people across the country and chided that one of the advantages of his senior age is being able to say "I was young once."

"Young people, I encourage you to keep struggling, don’t give up on the first try. To give their best every day, courage and firmness," the president said on Twitter.

He said politics has allowed him to meet youngsters nationwide and "you should know that I’m not indifferent to your needs. While I’m the President you can trust that you are not alone. "

Medina added that it fills him with joy upon seeing young engineers receiving checks to build classrooms, seizing opportunities through transparency.

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