Local February 19, 2013 | 7:31 am

Ecuador thanks the country for help in polls

Santo Domingo.- The president of Ecuador’s National Electoral Council (CNE) on Monday called Dominican Republic’s cooperation in Sunday elections, crucial to their success.

Domingo Paredes, in the first bulletin on poll results, said the 1,500 scanners provided by the Central Electoral Board (JCE) for the quick transmission played a key role for Ecuadorians and the world to be apprised of the voting process, which concluding in just a few hours.

Accompanied by CNE officials, Paredes said the JCE teams and technical support staff fully complied with requirements, and completed the vote count in less than an hour with a significant percentage of results that led to a peaceful polling by Ecuadorians.


Paredes thanked JCE president Roberto Rosario, and Dominican Republic for the extraordinary solidarity with Ecuador, working with the completion of a successful electoral process “that accurately reflected the will of the Ecuadorian voters.”

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