Local February 19, 2013 | 12:23 pm

Seminar to focus on expanding trade and business with China

Santo Domingo.- An international seminar will address timely issues such as expanding trade and business opportunities with China, the global economy’s emerging giant, dictated by Chinese-Dominican specialists in Dominican Republic.

The event "China and the Dominican Republic: Opportunities and Business" sponsored by China’s Business Development Office and the Dominican Tourism Movement (MTD), slated for Saturday at La Atarazana No.114, Colonial Zone, from 3pm to 7pm.

The seminar will cover other aspects such as China-Dominican Republic tourism and trade relations, as well as topics including products and services, and business prospects between the two countries over the next two decades.

Luis Gonzalez, international trade specialist and author of "China, the rise of the Dragon" will head the activity, focused on entrepreneurs, merchants, agribusiness, tour operators, hoteliers, professionals and stakeholders.

Among the organizations hosting the event figure Patria Visual Foundation, on whose premises as main site, and Colores Tours & Travels, among others, and a group of businessmen and merchants could visit the world’s second biggest economy.

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