Local February 22, 2013 | 7:49 am

Dominican authorities say pop singer is part of major drug network

Santo Domingo.- Pop singer Martha Heredia, arrested Wednesday in Santiago’s international airport on drug charges, allegedly forms part of a major network which smuggles heroin into the United States.

"There’s no doubt that this is an important network that sends drugs and especially heroin to the United States," said National Drugs Control Agency (DNCD) spokesman Roberto Lebron.

He said the investigation aims to determine which organization hired Heredia, 22, arrested before boarding a flight to New York, carrying 1.2 kilos of heroin the heels of three pairs of shoes.

Sources quoted by eldia.com.do say it’s not the first time the pop star worked as drug "mule" because beginners are usually given only small portions of narcotics, of less value.

If found guilty, the singer, who rose to fame after winning the American Idol contest, could face up to 20 years in prison.


During her short career Heredia has been at the center of several scandals.

In December 2010, she was driving an SUV which collided with and killed a 16 year-old Haitian, and just in January she filed a complaint on alleged physical abuse against her husband, the urban music singer Manuel Varet "Vakero" who’s being held at San Pedro prison to await trial.

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