Local February 25, 2013 | 7:56 am

Convicted bankers lose privileges with penal system revamp

Santo Domingo.- Najayo penitentiary will be controlled by the new prisons model headed by Adolfo de Jesus Serrata, with the transfer of the inmates now in "privilege" areas, including convicted bankers, as part of the process of incorporate the new penal system

Among the first inmates to be transferred figure Rafael Gonzalez Alvarez and Edwin Baquero Alvarez, taken to the new prison at La Romana, which operates under the new system.

Quoted by eldia.com.do, Justice minister Francisco Domínguez said other inmates will be gradually moved from the so-called extraditable and conjugal areas, as well as the "offices," in which figure the convicted bankers Ramon Baez Figueroa, Luis Alvarez Renta, Andres Aybar and Pedro Castillo.

Dominguez said Alvarez Renta has objected being transferred, but noted that they’ll continue gradually until Najayo has been completely incorporated by June.

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