Local February 26, 2013 | 12:22 pm

Tiny Dominican Republic’s whopping 159 generals face Vaya con Dios

Santo Domingo.- A whopping 159 general officers, of which 59 serve no function, face retirement, promotion or continue getting paychecks as active members in Dominican Republic’s military branches, many of whom should know their fate tomorrow Wednesday, February 27, after president Danilo Medina’s Administration starts the traditional deluge of decrees with designations and substitutions.

Around 100 colonels who also have no official function in the military also face possible retirement. Of the generals 38 belong to the Army, including 10 major generals and 28 brigadiers; seven admirals of the Navy, while the Air Force has five major generals and nine brigadiers.

With the rank of general figure four former ministers of the Armed Forces without function but still active, while a source quoted by elnuevodiario.com.do revealed that Medina will place the senior military officers on retirement.

Several of those who face retirement were seen at military headquarters on Monday, some military who are supposed to be retired, among them former Navy chief Nicolás Cabrera Arias, Gil Ramirez and Apolinar Disla, and others.

Many of the senior officers seek to keep their stars by forging ??"ties" with legislators, cabinet officials and political leaders, as insurance against “mothballing the uniform.”

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