Local March 4, 2013 | 10:16 am

The capital’s population can drink tap water in 3 years: Utility

Santo Domingo.- Greater Santo Domingo’s water utility (CAASD)is confident that the population could drink the water from the tap in threeyears, if it gets the financing, and support from the population to implementprojects already taking place.

CAASD director Alejandro Montas said Greater SantoDomingo’s Master Sewerage Plan requires several projects, including US$172million to solve problems of people having to buy bottles of drinking water, watertanks, the construction of cisterns and deep wells.

Quoted by hoy.com.do, Montas noted similar accomplishmentsin Colombia, whose population consumes tap water.

He said Dominican Republic can achieve that goal over thenext four years, for which the CAASD aims to increase drinking water production,repair obsolete networks, built treatment plants to recover wastewater, extend sanitarysewage lines, and install meters.

If those projects materialize, “the CAASD fully capableof supplying drinking water to 100% of the population in around three years.

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