Thousands of first responders deployed for Easter exodus
Santo Domingo.- The Emergency Operations Center will put the "Easter Plan 2013" in motion with 32,082 people in the streets, roads and resorts, including brigades doctors, paramedics, military and police, specialists and other first responders to protect lives and prevent accidents.
There will also be 2,512 first aid stations installed at critical points on beaches, resorts, highways and boulevards nationwide.
COE director Juan Manuel Mendez announced the plan during a National Palace press conference on Thursday, accompanied by representatives from all the agencies that comprise the National Emergency Commission.
He said 168 swimming areas have been closed to the public as unsafe.
The official said 123 ambulances, three helicopters, 20 tow trucks and eight mobile shops will be located at critical, previously established points on highways and roads, in addition to three mobile hospitals, 12 mobile clinics and nine regional command posts.
For his part Metropolitan Transit Authority director Juan Geronimo Brown said 2,000 of its agents will be patrolling the roads, with “carvaning” to reduce the speed of traffic, while bikers will have to wear helmets.
He also announced is the ban on trucks starting 2pm on Holy Thursday, except those which carry drugs, food and fuel.