Local April 4, 2013 | 9:30 am

Busted human trafficking network used Peruvian forgers

Santo Domingo.- The Immigration Agency and security authorities busted a network which allegedly trafficked with humans, formed by an agent of Interpol and Dominican and Peruvian nationals.

It said using forged documents, the group sent people to Spain, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean islands.

The Interpol agent, reportedly being held at National Police headquarters, allegedly escorted the undocumented immigrants, who then traveled to Spain and Puerto Rico.

According to reports, Peruvians living in the country provided the travel documents, all false, and are now being sought by the various agencies.

The Dominicans located and recruited the immigrants in various parts of the country, and paid the Peruvians as much as RD$150,000 each for the fake documents.

Immigration said the ring used Guadeloupe, St. Lucia, Martinique, St. Martin and the Bahamas as bridges to smuggle people to Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories, adding that it had been operating out of the Las Americas Airport, uncovered after several travelers were turned back.

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