Local April 8, 2013 | 12:06 pm

Ex president lauds Medina’s measures on education, agro

Santo Domingo.- Former president Hipolito Mejía on Monday lauded the measures by president Danilo Medina’s administration to improve education and agriculture.

In a press conference after a National Palace meeting of over one hour, Mejia said the president was given the draft for the Political Parties Law and discussed other issues, such as the revision of the Barrick Gold contract.

He also hailed Medina’s surprise visits to towns of the interior to contact farmers, and urged him to continue doing so.

Mejia was accompanied by numerous senior leaders of the opposition PRD party, including former vice president Milagros Ortiz Bosch, and the suspended General Secretary of that party, Orlando Jorge.

Presidency chief of staff Gustavo Montalvo, Administrative minister Jose Ramon Peralta, among other officials, participated in the meeting.

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