Local April 16, 2013 | 2:31 pm

Robbers shoot and kill man in upscale sector(Update2)

Santo Domingo.- A construction worker was shot and killed in a daylight robbery around 11:30am Tuesday in the exclusive sector of Bella Vista, where investigators seek clues to the whereabouts of at least two robbers who fled in an Audi Q7 SUV.

Witnesses said the victim, Estanislao Batista, had just left a Popular bank office on Bolivar Av. near Nuñez de Caceres with a withdrawal of around RD$370,000, but was intercepted just one block away.

The Police have yet to issue a statement and whether the robbers fled with the money.

The fatal victim’s Eduardo Batista was also shot in the assault and was taken to a hospital with one bullet wound to the head.

One of the victims reportedly pulled a gun on the attackers, who fled south on Furcy Pichardo St. toward Sarasota Av.

The victims, apparently a construction foreman and a worker, were in a black Toyota pickup full of construction tools.

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