Dominican-born Rosanna Cordero-Stutz named Miami Police Maj.

Miami.- Dominican-born Rosanna Cordero-Stutz, a 17 year veteran of the Miami Dade Police Dept., has been designated Major of the law enforcement agency, a milestone for the people of the Caribbean nation.
Cordero-Stutz arrived in New York at barely two months and spent childhood summers playing in her grandmother’s homes in Santo Domingo and then in the countryside at Guayabal, Santiago.
"I love the D.R. and being a part of a loving, huge family. I have vivid memories of my summers in Santo Domingo, playing kick-the-can and buying red Country Club sodas at "el colmado," the official said in a statement.
She said her father still lives in Sanchez, Samana province (northeast), where she’s “now learning to love an entirely new part of the island. Being raised Dominican is a big part of who I have become today."
Among her career experience figure assignments in Homicide, Robbery, Internal Affairs and Public Information & Education, as Police Dept. spokesperson.