Hire a hooker, go to jail, top official warns
Santo Domingo.-Any man who goes to brothels in the capital and Santiago for sexual services willbe arrested, booked and charged with solicitation, Justice minister FranciscoDominguez warned Wednesday, adding that the measure will begin in five specificpoints.
"Andmen who go to obtain that type of service, for example, we’re going to arrestthem, those citizens will be charged with pandering, and if they make bail, givethem what they want, but they’ll be booked with a criminal record and will haveto pay bond, and so that will occur at several points," the official said.
Dominguez saidthe first brothels to be staked out are those on the Malecon (Washington Av.), onthe Sarasota, Duarte and Ortega y Gasset, and in Santiago Calle del Sol.
"He whotakes advantage of a woman’s poverty, in a position of vulnerability, that’s clearlystated as an act of pandering," the official said in an interview by the CorripioMedia Group, accompanied by Police chief Jose A. Polanco, Interior and Policeminister Jose Ramon Fadul.