Local May 31, 2013 | 8:19 am

Dominican diplomatic passport in French “Karachi Affair” scandal

Paris.- A businessman linked to political corruption was arrested in Paris yesterday, charged with having purchased a Dominican Republic diplomatic passport for 154,000 euros, according to local media reports on Thursday.

Le Monde reports that French-Lebanese businessman Ziad Takieddine linked to the "Karachi Affair" scandal that broke early May, was detained in connection with an investigation into bribery and fraud by foreign public officials.

Investigators suspect Takieddine tried to flee France, and is accused of funneling Libyan money to Nicolas Sarkozy’s campaign in 2007.

Diplomatic Passport

Investigators were quoted as saying that Takieddine bought a Dominican Republic diplomatic passport for about 154,000 euros. Two businessmen suspected of helping in the purchase were also detained Thursday.

The "Karachi Affair" refers to the scandal on alleged covert financing of the 1995 French presidential campaign through kickbacks from weapons contracts with Pakistan.

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