Local June 4, 2013 | 9:49 am

Consumer rights chief says court’s “shame bowed to money”

Santo Domingo.- Consumer protection agency (Proconsumidor) director Altagracia Paulino on Tuesday rebuked an Administrative Court ruling that prevents it form issuing fines, affirming that "it seems shame bowed to money."

The official said she was surprised when she saw the ruling in newspaper, since presiding judge Delfina Amparo de León, “didn’t even notify its decision.”

"It seems that these people (propane gas company Propagas) stormed the court, because the defendants are the first to know the rulings, before the plaintiffs," the official said in a statement.

ProConsumidor had fined Propagas 100 minimum salaries (RD$700,000) for allegedly bilking customers in propane sales.

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