Christian group shaved heads for Hugo Chavez fear plot tokill them

Santo Domingo.- The members of the Christian organization "Paz Dominicana” (Dominican Peace), who in August2011 shaved the head for the health of then Venezuela president Hugo Chavez, onThursday said there’s a plot to kill them.
In a visit he ??to newspaper El Caribe, Paz spokesman RafaelGuillen request protection from president Danilo Medina, on fears for the safetyof their families.
They said they have evidence including taped conversationsof a "plot" against them, but declined specifics it because it wouldreveal their source.
Guillen said among the reasons for the alleged threat figureChavez’s invitation to visit him in Venezuela and from which "emotionalties" were forged, and Caracas’ concerns with its Petrocaribe agreementwith the country.
He said during a walk Paz Dominicana organized from thecapital to Bahia de las Aguilas, they were harassed and threatened by a group, whichhe didn’t identify. "We’re calling on President Danilo Medina to receive usto convey our concern directly to him and so he can generate assurances for ourlives and then we can resume our normal activities."