Shaky ground along active fault frays villagers’ nerves

Neyba, Dominican Republic. – The constantly shaking ground again frayed the nerves of villages around Lake Enriquillo (southwest) where four magnitude 3.4 tremors recorded, the most intense felt 6: 45pm Tuesday.
Local resident Alejo Medrano said he felt the first one at 1:30am yesterday, the second at 5: 45am, and the third, a magnitude 3.4 replica at 6: 40pm.
The towns of Los Rios, Jimaní, La Descubierta, Duvergé, among others felt, creating great consternation in its people, but there were no reports of damage.
Quoted by, Santo Domingo State University (UASD) Seismology Institute director Eugenio Polanco said the tremors are low intensity so residents in those towns shouldn’t fear the aftershocks.
The areas lie next to the active Plantain Garden Fault (east-west), the source of the January 2010 quake which leveled Port-au-Prince.