“Only” 54 generals in Dominican Republic’s military

Santo Domingo.- Armed Forces minister Sigfrido Pared on Thursday said the military’s new Statutory Law limits the number of generals now at 147, to only 54.
He said those who had resorted to influential politicians to rise in rank can’t do so any longer, since to reach a higher rank every officer will be subjected to a more rigorous evaluation than before.
"We don’t want a captain or a major who hasn’t been a company or Navy commander, and instead when they get to be major, have the experience and training from the previous rank," Pared said on Teleantillas.
He added that it has to be so because otherwise, it would giving more space to the incompetent . "Because the incompetent officer always looks for ways to get help from a politician to get promoted and now it will be impossible, because he will undergo continuous evaluation."