T.S. Chantal’s downpours expected early Wednesday

Santo Domingo.- The National Meteorology Office (Onamet) at 1pm Monday issued early weather warning on T.S. Chantal, located around 800 miles east-southeast of Barbados, Lesser Antilles.
"From this moment, the Onamet issues an Early Warning report on the existence and location of a tropical cyclone which because of its geographical location and probable trajectory requires strict monitoring to protect the population,” it said, adding that downpours are expected for Wednesday morning.
The National Hurricane Center meanwhile said Chantal moves quickly to the west-northwest at around 25 mph, with top sustained winds at 45 mph with higher gusts. “Reconnaissance aircraft about to head toward Chantal…as of 2PM AST Mon Jul 8, Location: 11.3°N 52.8°W; Moving: WNW at 25 mph; Min pressure: 1005 mb; Max sustained: 45 mph.”