The press gets a taste of a peeved President’s security

Santo Domingo.- For the second time in just one week, president Danilo Medina on Thursday reacted angrily to contractors hired to build or repair schools and other public works, this time in Azua, where he fumed at the repairs to the municipal market, nearly gutted by a fire.
He immediately ordered an evaluation to determine if it should be rebuilt it in its entirety.
Once he arrived and observed the area, Medina asked who was in charge of the repairs, and the contractor Fausto Almanzar immediately showed up and described the work.
"Nothing could be worse than this," Medina said when a woman who works in the market showed him one of the cubicles.
A crowd had gathered while the president toured the market through mud, rebar and boards, and in an apparent spread of his anger, his security detail made the task of the media nearly impossible.