More than half of DT readers say more is needed to get stronger courts

Santo Domingo.- Recent rulings by the country’s Electoral, and Supreme courts have sparked wide debate on the future of Dominican Republic’s judiciary, despite institutional advances and the virtual end to the once infamous “market of sentences.”
More than half of Dominican Today readers don’t see much hope of further strengthening of the country’s courts system, but note that a stronger commitment is needed to forge ahead.
When asked “Is there any hope for Dominican Justice?, the response “Not much, people need to push harder,” drew 2,675 votes, or 55.49%, followed by “I hope the colmado still has beer ,“ 1,615 Votes, for 33.50%.
The response “Dominicans don’t know its meaning” drew 412 votes, or 8.55%, followed by “I think yes, despite recent setbacks,” with 119 votes, or 2.47% of the readers who took part in the weekly, unscientific poll.
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