Banks agency pulled into spat pitting credit card group, gas stations

Santo Domingo.- The Banks Superintendence has been pulled into a dispute pitting the credit card group Cardnet and the gas station owners grouped in Anadegas, which yesterday began refusing the plastic to pay for fuel to protest a jump in from 1.95% to as high as 3 percent fee on Mastercard, American Express and ATH cards.
Anadegas president Rafael Polanco said they’ll meet 10am Wednesday with Banks Superintendent Rafael Camilo, who was asked to intervene, together with Industry Commerce minister José del Castillo and Consumer Protection Agency director Altagracia Paulino.
He said Anadegas stations will continue to install VeriFones of the company Visa Net, warning that those of Cardnet -now disconnected- will all be removed, if they fail to reconsider the measure he calls hateful. "We’re firm on the walkout and we’ll present Cardnet’s rate increase notices to our affiliates to the Banks Superintendent tomorrow."