Medina’s first year gets a high rating, except on corruption: Poll

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina’s administration arrives at its first year with a high approval rating, but many say his cabinet should work harder and the war on government corruption should be escalated.
When the weekly survey by Pulso Dominicao Telenoticias asked to rate Medina’s performance from a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is the lowest) 77.4% of those polled gave the president a score from 6 to 10, compared with 22.6% from 1 to 5.
On the fight against corruption, an issue that has sparked protests from various sectors, strengthening security, education and the electricity sector were, in that order, are the areas where those polled said Medina didn’t show much progress .
When asked is Medina has fulfilled his campaign promise about education, 43.2% said yes, according to the Newlink survey conducted August 8, with a margin of error is 3.46%.