Duarte highway ‘needs structural redesign’

Santo Domingo.- A structural re-design is needed inorder to prevent accidents like the one suffered last week by journalist Juan BolívarDíaz at Km. 55 of the Duarte Highway near Piedra Blanca in the province ofMonseñor Nouel.
Work is needed to modify the angles of the curves onthis stretch of the road to prevent vehicles from skidding and losing control,especially in wet conditions.
The former president of the Dominican College ofEngineers, Architects and Surveyors (CODIA) Teodoro Tejada disclosed that astudy conducted by the association had detected several faults on this stretch.
He said the recommendations of the study must beadopted if accidents are to be prevented.
Tejada said that this stretch of road was the scene of somany accidents because the asphalt has perished over the last year, causinglots of potholes and an uneven surface.
The former CODIA president said that the Duartehighway required permanent maintenance.