ES Verde Environmental Awards

Santo Domingo.- Yesterday evening Hoynewspaper’s En Sociedad magazine and the Punta Cana Group awarded their ES4th Conservation and Environment prizes to six organizations inrecognition of their actions and solutions for protecting fresh water sourcesand natural resources.
The Desde el MedioFoundation won the main award, which was accepted by mountaineer andenvironmentalist Iván Gómez. Agua Dasani received a prize in the ProblemSolving Entrepreneur of the Year category. Cemex Dominicana won the ProblemSolving Company of the Year award and Frank Asmar received the CommunityProblem Solver award.
The event also includedspecial mentions for the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU), theIbero-American University (UNIBE), the Banco Popular, the Dominican Postal Institute(IMPOSDOM), the Interior Design Show 2013 and Hoy newspaper, for theircontributions to the protection and conservation of the Dominican Republic’senvironment and natural resources.
The ceremony took place at the Salón Carlos María, Atracciones El Lago, Av. Anacaona, Los Cacicazgos in Santo Domingo at 6:30 p.m.
2013 is International Year of Water.