Local September 4, 2013 | 11:50 am

Prosecutor to probe Vatican-Dom. Rep. pedophilia scandal

Santo Domingo.- National District prosecutor Yeni Berenice Reynoso on Wednesday announced an investigation into Vatican ambassador in Dominican Republic, Josef Wesolowski, in the heels of alleged sexual abuses of minors, just 24 hours after bishop Agripino Nuñez Collado confirmed the diplomat’s dismissal.

Despite that the announced probe comes before any complaints filed by alleged victims, Reynoso citing the country’s Penal Code, noted that prosecution is the exclusive competence of the criminal courts

Speaking to local media, the official said Wesolowski, aside from potential sanction in the Vatican, would be investigated and if guilty, punished in the country. “Sexual abuse against children and adolescents is a felony with a terrible aftermath usually marking a human being’s life forever.”

Quoted by Efe Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi confirmed Wesolowski’s removed from office and an ongoing investigation into his alleged abuse of children.

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