Local September 16, 2013 | 12:42 pm

Prosecutor says Colombian brothers still held because they have no ID

Santo Domingo.- The Central Electoral Board (JCE) canceled an ID card (cedula) obtained by Colombian national Angel Maria Buitrago, who was recently granted bond together with his brother Huber, accused of heading a money laundering network busted in December.

National District deputy prosecutor Carmen Alardo, who revealed the information during an appeal filed by the accused at the 8th Criminal Chamber on Monday, said the JCE canceled Buitrago’s ID, together with that of his brother Angel, because “they don’t posses a clear identity.”

Based on the JCE’s measure, the assistant DA asked judge Teófilo Andújar to reject the defendants’ request for a new bail.

But the defense lawyers motioned the court to grant bond, claiming that the prosecution has yet to prove that the JCE canceled their clients’ cedula

They said the prosecution is in contempt of court for refusing to release the Biotragos at once, despite the court-issued bail they affirm is still in effect.

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