Local October 8, 2013 | 7:21 am

Court orders surveys in Dominican Republic’s biggest land fraud case

Santo Domingo.- National District Superior Land Court judge Alba Beard on Monday ordered the Dominican State to survey and map the area of Bahia de las Aguilas (southwest) whose titles held by individuals it claims are void.

The judge also ordered the Cadastral Surveys Agency to halt any technical operation being conducted or planned, to prevent changes in designation.

She instructed the Barahona Titles Registrar and any other department to halt any transfer, annotation and inscription of easements by the parties.

Beard also ruled that the Registrar will register the Court’s ruling on existing titles and issued deadline of 60 days for the State Attorney to conduct the surveys on the land and the various subdivisions which the State seeks to void.

At several thousand hectares and seven kilometers of pristine beach in Pedernales province, Bahia de las Aguilas is Dominican Republic’s biggest ever land fraud case.

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